Artistic creativity is the most powerful force in the Universe.
You can trace every notable event or contribution to these two words. From Beethoven's 5th to the atomic bomb, bringing forth the unimaginable and unforeseen is the domain of creativity. We all posses it, we utilize it as one of our most common faculties. Sacred Arts brings the Eternal and the Good to our divine attention. These practices, often playful, often disruptive, are where genius resides.
Puente does not claim Genius, though we do claim access to the rituals, ceremonies and initiatory heritage of countless generations of the teachings of the sacred and eternal. We provide guidance to the door, you must walk though.
Featured Artist:
Mary McIntyre
Mary grew up in Utah’s Wasatch Mountains, running wild on rocky ridgelines under aspen and pine forests. She's always been most at home outdoors. To begin with, photography was a way for her to capture experiences on family trips to Turkey, China, and India, among others. She liked foreign faces, patterns in rice terraces striping the hillsides, and cracking glaciers spilling off jagged peaks and felt empowered by the ability to distill moments and memories. After studying Geography, Environmental Sustainability Studies, and French, at the University of Utah, she now tries to be inside as little as possible and has made a career of freelance photography and writing. Many times over, photography has been the catalyst for the most meaningful experiences of her life -- it is a way of documenting and sharing the human experience that she finds important to culture and society as a whole.
Mary's work can be found on www.marymcintyre.co or follow her adventures on Instagram @marykmcintyre